Our Story

We didn't choose the pump life, the pump life chose us!

Terrified and overwhelmed

Neither of us were prepared for a stay in the NICU especially during a pandemic. It was an emotional rollercoaster but we were thankful our little guy was okay.

Pumping with a mission

After we were discharged I was determined to bring my baby as much colostrum as I could. I pumped every two hours and then drove what little I had back to the NICU.

Meet Harper!

Our bag is named after our fur baby. She is a big fluffy ball of love! Since she was our first baby together we thought it was appropriate to name our first product after her.

Thank you for supporting our small business!

Starting a small business has been a dream come true. Thank you so much for shopping small and supporting our little business. It means the world to us and our family. Just remember every time you shop small an owner does a little happy dance every time they get an order.
